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HEAR Renato Play 132 Original Transcriptions

HEAR Renato Play 132 Original Transcriptions

"The Movies": 132 Original Tracks

GO to the Playlist HERE>>  I have recorded over 140 original soundtracks. You can hear the complete playlist clicking on the image to the right. I transcribed each piece and teach it through mangore.com. Many of these pieces have never been recorded by any guitar player anywhere. All the transcriptions for these pieces can be accessed through my website and I teach each one of them to my subscribed students. These pieces fit the classical guitar majestically. The pieces were recorded at my San Bernardino home and the lie pieces were performed at the Kennedy Center in Washington DC. The recording span from 2016 to 2019.
I opted for a home recording made using a good microphone and no digital altering of the recording has been added. What you hear is the pure sound of the guitar. It is a very genuine recording and one that I felt the urge to make a reality since the idea of a new CD had been lurking in the back of my mind for quite some time. The recording was made in the main living room of the house that has quite an outstanding acoustic quality to it. Some of the recordings were made in the early morning hours and others were made during the day and you will be able to tell which are which since you will probably hear birds birching in the background
Being Spring and being my home surrounded by nature in what you could call a semi-rural  area, nature blossoms and I even had to re-record some tracks when some of the cocks that lurk around the house made their presence noticeable. The CD consists of over 132 Movie & Pop soundtracks that I consider to be some of the most beautiful and representative of the 20th century
Many of them have won Oscars and I think it would be fair to say that the best contemporary composers work for the movie industry. Some of the pieces were part of a movie that has had no impact as a movie but the soundtrack found its way to mark history. Such is the case of pieces like "Can't Help Falling in Love" by Elvis and "Do you Know Where you're Going to" by Donna Summer. In other cases we are confronted with real musical giants. 
Such is the case with Ennio Morricone a music genius of the stature of Bach and Beethoven. A true genius who finds his way to the human heart and soul in ways that only the greatest masters can. The recording are all performed on one guitar, no dubbing or similar editing with no exception.  All the pieces are part of the masterclass series I teach on mangore.com and can be found in the "Soundtracks" or "Program Music" section of the website under the main menu "Academy".

My Home in San Benardino: View of the Lake

My Home in San Benardino: View of the Lake

Recording at Home in San Bernardino

Recording at Home in San Bernardino