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Dear Renato

Dear Renato

My guitar arrived safely on 5/13. The guitar looks absolutely beautiful. I love the guitar case, too.
Thank you so much for making me happy.

Yuki Sahara, May 16, 2016, Brooklyn NY, USA

Good morning , Maestro Bellucci!

Good morning , Maestro Bellucci!

Some  weeks  ago  I  received  my new guitar Indian Rosewood Cedar Top (#1267). This awesome guitar can follow all my creative ideas. She  has  so  looong  and  deeep  vibrato  , so rich basses! She is so comfortable for right and left hands!!

Now you can find photos and sound of this guitar on my web-site www.nemeraksenia.musicaneo.com

I performed Prelude at my old Cordoba. I played Some Galaxy and  Medieval Dance at my new Indian Rosewood.Its really huge difference!
I am looking forward to perform and record all my music with wonderful Bellucci guitar.


Andrei, Oxford MA, USA, April 30, 2013

Dear Renato

Dear Renato

I have had the guitar for a few weeks now. I wanted to play it extensively before I reported back to you.  Frankly, I am still stunned!  Not only by the guitar but by your caring and generous nature.
The guitar arrived without incident-not a scratch. The top is perfect, back and sides beautiful, the back is spectacular, the sound hole rosette is superb. The radiused neck and 640mm scale allow me to more easily play difficult passages. The 20 fret neck is grand. Takes a little getting used to but I like it.  Besides its beauty, I was pleasantly surprised by the tone. You would expect a Spruce top to be bright and edgy, but this guitar has a mysterious dark round sound that’ s especially noticeable in positions 7-10 in the basses and also in the treble and basses in the lower positions. . Must be the Ziricote(?)  The sound is mellow like a cedar top. Totally surprising and very desirable. What can I say?  I love it!
It always amazes me in a different way every time I take it out of the case.  When this guitar ages and “opens up” it will be amazing.
Thank  you very much for all of your efforts on my behalf.  I am retiring in 5 weeks and am looking forward to many countless hours with this beauty.
By the way how much do I owe you for the gig bag it shipped in?