1- Initials on the leather case:
The Bellucci Hand Embossed Leather case is a work of art on its own right. Built by one of a handful of very talented leather embossers in Latin America. It takes countless hours of patient labor to build and emboss a single leather case. Bellucci guitar cases are built following my specifications for both the interior and exterior in order to fit Bellucci guitars like a glove. The Bellucci Guitar Case will also fit other standard full size concert classical guitar brands. I have built leather embossed cases for a wide variety of guitars and other instruments. For special orders all you will be required to do is contact me via mail. The default interior of the case is brown cloth. It takes over 110 hours of very skilled and patient labor to build a single Bellucci Hand Embossed Leather Case. Each one is a true masterpiece. S.D.G.
Bellucci Guitars Cases fit Classical Guitars of all brands.
Contact Maestro Bellucci for custom Guitar Cases.
Hand Embssed Guitar Case
1- Initials on the leather case:
2- Embssed Leather Strap
$ 177.00
3- Custom Measures (Submit by m@il)
$ 380.00
4- Violin case
$ 0.00
5- Optional Metal Latches
$ 145.00