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African Blackwood B&S, Sinker Redwood top Concert Classical Guitar
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Bellucci Guitars

African Blackwood B&S, Sinker Redwood top

Model: AB-SR-1

African Blackwood is by far the best toned on the planet. For one thing it is the hardest tonewood and also one of the heaviest. These two factors always translate in big sound, huge sustain and perfect clarity. Naturally, the amazing Sinker Redwood top I added also adds to the already great selection of wood for the back and sides. Below you can see several logs stacked in Tanzania. As you can appreciate, the logs are relatively small.
Sinker Redwood
adds its own array of colors to an already perfect sound. I recommend the use of soundports because she puts out an amazing amount of sound due to the vast amount of air that she desplaces. Double top is my recommendation because it adds sustain and takes care of wolf notes altogether. She is sober from every angle and I used very spartan marquetry to generate visual contrast. Still, you can request a more colorful decoration if it is more in accordance with your personal taste. This guitar will grow with you since she's built to last. Unlike composite materials construction like carbon fiber and Nomex, all wood construction is meant to be passed on to the next generation and even further. S.D.G.

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Add/remove extra

1- Position markers:

Add/remove extra Diamond mark: 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, 17, 19 — 600.00

2- Right handed - Left handed

Add/remove extra Left Handed (Left Hand Plucks) — 0.00

3- Scale (fret spacing)

Add/remove extra 615 (Small Hands, AMAZINGLY Comfortable) — 120.00

4- Number of frets:

Add/remove extra Acoustic Configuration — 140.00

12- Professional Cases

Add/remove extra Professional Humidified/Pressurized Case (USD 560)

13- Construction of the top:

Add/remove extra Buffalo Horn — 66

18- Radiused Fingerboard

Add/remove extra 20 in. Radius — 140.00

19- Type of finish

Add/remove extra French Polish Top, Matte Finish B&S — 450.00

23- Mother of Pearl inlay work