Bellucci Guitars, Small Body Concert Guitar

Small Body Concert Guitar
In 2014 I introduced Bellucci guitar's first small body guitars thinking of people who prefer to use a smaller instrument for comfort reasons. The scale length is full size, it is only the body that is smaller (unless of course you indicate otherwise) In the picture you can see the difference in body size between a Bellucci standard classical and Bellucci Small body guitars. The beautiful small body guitar in the video, was built for Natalia. She wanted a smaller body guitar but he did not want to give up on sound. We decided for Tasmanian Blackwood for the Back and Sides, Italian Spruce for the top. Everything else pretty was up to me to decide regarding the overall decoration of the instrument. When I could finally play, I was simply stunned at the beauty of her sound. Amazing depth, clarity and sustain are some of the characteristics that first come to mind. Playing Bach Prelude for the video was a treat. Her beauty is no less impressive, We took care to make her worthy of Our Lord's admiration taking care of the most microscopic finishing details and she speaks of beauty & truth... 2 of God's attributes. A truly stunning instrument where every wood used merges into the other to perfection. It took 220 hours to build Natalia's Masterpiece and she was worth every minute of Glory. Following this link, you can see one of my best selling small body guitar models

Bellucci Small body Concert Guitar

Playing the beauty