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Indonesian Rosewood B&S Italian Spruce top Concert Guitar Concert Classical Guitar
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Bellucci Guitars

Indonesian Rosewood B&S Italian Spruce top Concert Guitar

Bellucci Model IRST

Brown in the color that comes to mind when you are a kid and you are told about what crayon color you must use to color the trunk of a tree. It is the color of wood by default. As I started to build concert guitars, I have come to use many different species of woods and I have reached the following conclusion: "Brown" is not necessarily  the default color of wood. Having used over 50 species to build guitars makes me a legitimate authority in the matter. One thing is sure though: when searching for the color Brown, the Rosewoods family of trees are typically the species to sift through. A vast array of Browns can be found among Brazilian, African, Indian, Indonesian and Bolivian (Pau Ferro) & Paraguayan Rosewoods (AKA Palosanto). All types of different grains are also present in the Dalbergias species. All the way from homogeneous browns of different depths, to swirly and highly figured sets. Soundwise, they all rank very high. Brazilian Rosewood has been attributed the highest scores but the other members of this sought after species are not to be neglected. The speculation surrounding the Brazilian species and the difficulties associated with trading the wood have made it the target of immense abuse and, although the wood is definitely a great tone wood, it is also true that it is not worth the hustle often associated with getting the best sets. I like to call the Bellucci guitar models built using any of the Rosewoods as "Segovia Model". These are instruments inspired in the legendary Andalusian guitarist playing and his unique and vast sound palette. Mid to heavy built instruments are typically the result of using Rosewoods. Using the Hauser frame and using a vast array of tops ranging from Spruce, Cedar, Redwood and Kingwood makes the Rosewoods extremely versatile. This type of guitar is what made it possible for Andres Segovia to produce the superlative sound he was so famous for; a sound that cannot be reproduced in today hybrid, composite construction methods that have literally sprouted everywhere. I offer the Segovia model using many different species for the top: Spruce (Italian, German, Engelmann, Sitka), CedarSinker Redwood and many more. Feel free to contact me for further information regarding the "Segovia Model". S.D.G.

Asuncion, June 6, 2021

Hear this amazing Indonesian Rosewood Beauty

USD 4,500Add to Cart

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1- Position markers:

Add/remove extra Diamond mark: 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, 17, 19 — 600.00

5- Scale (fret spacing)

Add/remove extra 615 (Small Hands, AMAZINGLY Comfortable) — 120.00

6- Radiused Fingerboard

Add/remove extra 20 in. Radius — 140.00

9- Professional Cases

Add/remove extra Professional Humidified/Pressurized Case (USD 560)

11- Indonesian Rosewood (Default)

Italian Spruce Top

Indonesian Rosewood B&S Italian Spruce top Concert Guitar Concert Classical Guitar
Indonesian Rosewood B&S Italian Spruce top Concert Guitar