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Dear Renato

Dear Renato

Wow, I'm impressed! The sound is better than I expected, all the harmonics are in  tune with long sustain and all notes play well  throughout the fingerboard. Very warm sound... and I imagine that once the resin crystals within the cedar wood-grain break with repetitive sound vibrations, it will sound even better. I'll use this guitar for an Austrian concert I have planned for next year in Vienna. Thank you, have a Merry Christmas and happy New Year ! Warm regards,

Luis, USA

Hello Renato

Hello Renato

She's here!  And all is well.  Actually, a whole lot  better than "well". Gorgeous!  I love her!  I really like the rosette and the purfling on this one...  It has a real classic (antiqueish) look to it if you know what I mean.  And it's dark and mysterious.. like me! The Fusteros are absolutely fantastic!  Sincerely! I wish you could've seen my face when I opened the case.

Barry, USA

I was overjoyed when the cedar top guitar arrived

I was overjoyed when the cedar top guitar arrived

The guitar is a stunning beauty. The quality of the wood used is top notch and well matched. I played it and that's when I realized that I am holding a 'special' instrument. I could not hide the smile on my face! I am a real nuts for tone and the tone is simply fabulous. The higher end trebles sounded so full and rich, unlike others I have tried that are usually thin. However the real surprise I had was the volume and the projection which is very focused and loud. Lastly I want to personally thank you for making this buying process a wonderful journey for me. Your service was very professional and I asked you so many questions and you always make time to answer them all. They say that a great musician is one that plays good music, but I believe that a great musician is one that shares his music with the world and that's what you have done. Thanks a million!!

Mark, Malaysia

Hello Renato

Hello Renato

Sincere thanks for having built such a precious and beautiful guitar. A work of art at the service of music. Thanks to you, many of us guitarist are accessing first class instruments. A strong, well defined and extremely crystalline sound. Heavenly! My eternal thanks to both and I trust God will always grant you peace and wealth. Your musical career and making the impossible available to many is worthy of my admiration and thanks.

Edwin, USA

Dear Renato

Dear Renato

I can't put into words how pleased that I am with my new guitar.  Even if one can't play, it is a work of art to admire.  Everyone here is impressed.  I am playing some of the simple pieces for beginners that I used to play and really enjoying it.   So it is coming back.   Recently I played that piece that is on your webpage,  "Chi mai".  What a beautiful tune.   I pointed out that if MY guitar can do that I will do it as well !Regards

Greg, Paraguay



Hello Renato, I just wanted to let you know that the guitar has arrived here in perfect order. Thank you it sounds great and I will enjoy playing it for many years to come.

All the best Dimitri

Hi Renato

Hi Renato

The "Beautiful Paraguayan lady" has arrived. She's Fantastic, I have no words !!!

Thank you, thank you , thank you !!!


Ciao Renato buon giorno
Ti scrivo per dirti che la Chitarra è meravigliosa, hai avuto i complimenti da tutti, appena le vedono vengono per vederla, toccarla e provarla. Poi quando sentono che arriva direttamente dall'altro capo del Mondo quasi non ci credono.
Volevo salutarti e ringraziarti ancora 
A presto! Pasquale, 4 Maggio, 2010
Hi Renato
I am writing to tell you that the guitar is wonderful. I receive admiration from everyone. As soon as they see her they want to try her and play her
I want to thank you once again 
Pasquale,  Pasquale, May 4, 2010

Pasquale Dambra, March 16, 2010, Italy



The guitar arrived yesterday afternoon. I waited and unpacked it last night and to my amazement there she was as beautiful as expected. The Brazilian Rosewood and Cedar Top blend together like they were made for each other. Your attention to detail is magnificent. I read another comment, where the man asked you. Why do classical guitarist have such beautiful wives? It is because you are a perfectionist, it shows in your work and even in your website. I believe you and all master classical guitarists have to strive for perfection. The beautiful music you create with your guitars must attract beauty into your life.
Thank you again,  

Robert L., Jacksonville, Florida, USA