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Willie Nelson Always on My Mind TAB

Willie Nelson, "Always on My Mind" (TAB)

Transcription and Fingering: Renato Bellucci

Whenever I heard "Always on My Mind" I wondered whether the song was originally from Willie Nelson or The King, Elvis Presley. Well it is from neither... the composers are unknowns from all practical purposes and it is actually 3 composers I mention on the score. The transcription is lively and it keeps the spirit of this beautiful song intact as well as fitting the classical guitar to perfection. Technically, you will have to keep the accompaniment in the background and bring the main melody to the front using fijación (read all about fijación in the technique section).

Renato Bellucci plays: "Always On my Mind"

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Staff, TAB and Video 1

Video 1
San Bernardino, Paraguay, March 9, 2015, S.D.G. 3:34 PM

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