Carpenters, "For All We Know"
Transcription and Fingering: Renato Bellucci
Mastering Levers will make For All We Know the perfect benchmark to perfect this technique. Always refer to the in depth explanations in the Technique section of mangore.com.
Lever are designed to make your left hand stable and a lot more precise and harmonious in its work.
Stretches on the other hand require the active participation of the forearm and wrist that must come forward in order to help the fingers separate with ease. Knowing how to bring out the melody and create the necessary contrast with the supporting bass backdrop will be the key to achieve the effect that For all We Know deserves. The piece is tremendously beautiful and the Carpenters definitely gained a place in music history for their interpretation of this epic melody. I love how the guitar is capable of not only rendering but enhancing the tremendous beauty of this piece and I consider it to be a worthy addition to the always spectacular repertoire of our beloved instrument.
Renato Bellucci plays "For All We Know"
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San Bernardino, Paraguay, December 10-11, 2014 - S.D.G.
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