Dan Fogelberg, "The Leader of The Band"
To Those Who Matter in our lLives
Dan Fogelberg's immortal song The Leader of the Band has become like an hymn to anyone wanting to thank or worship the one person that they consider the most influential person in their lives. The piece also belongs to a time in my life when beautiful things really made an impact on my soul. I was just coming out of high school and the world seemed to be at my feet. It took o time to turn "The Leader of the Band" into one of my favorite songs. Dan Fogelberg had written the piece for his dad and it is a biographical song. A gorgeous one at that.
Renato Bellucci plays Dan Fogelberg's "The Leader of the Band"
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Staff 1
San Bernardino, Paraguay, March 27, 2016. S.D.G.
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