Francis Lai, "Love Story"
Version and Fingering: Renato Bellucci
Love story is the supreme Love melody. I must have seen the movie a dozen times and "as a musician in his teens", I simply could not avoid falling for the girl who loved Bach and the Beatles. The tune is in E minor a particularly penetrating key when it comes to hitting the deepest corners of a man's soul.
Francis Lai is a French composers responsible for over 90 soundtracks. He significantly left a mark in his generation. Love story was such a hit that he could never reach the same high pinnacle of fame again. The piece opens with a brief introduction that sets the mood and background color of the tonality onto which the magnificent melody will be built. I arranged the piece starting from a piano reduction and I consider it a piece to belong up there with Romance, The godfather and Cavatina.
"Love Story", Oct-11-2014
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Keep the tempo flexible in the opening measures. As soon as you play the F# with 4 (measure 1) follow the impulse of the left arm in order to lift the finger perpendicularly to the string and avoid string squeaks. Finger 4 stops the F# in measure 2 and acts like as a lever to pull the hand and relax it immediately after the extension necessary to reach the F#.
The left hand is presented in a "mixed presentation" in order to play the B arpeggio at the end of measure 1.
Video 1
Revision: December 24, 2012
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