Carpenters, "We've Only Just Begun"
Transcription and Fingering: Renato Bellucci
Renato Bellucci teaches: "We've Only Just Begun", Carpenters.
We've Only Just Begun, is a truly beautiful song by one of the greatest duos ever. The Carpenters. Brother and Sister had the perfect combination of voices and they would put out a #1 song every time they launched a new song.
The main challenge of the piece is to keep the main melody in centerstage. You achieve it by applying fijación in the right hand finger that carries the melody. What fijación does is annul certain articulations in the right hand in order to form larger muscle groups thus making the work of the right hand more efficient. The use of fijación has a direct impact on both the type of sound you produce and the volume that you can produce. Both are directly affected by fijación and you will enhance the possibilities of your right hand exponentially as you become more proficient with the Carlevarian technique of Fijación. Read more on fijación in the Technique section of mangore.com.
Renato Bellucci plays "We've Only Just Begun"
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Staff and Video 1
To keep the notation tidy and swift, I colored the melody notes in yellow
Video 1
San Bernardino, Paraguay, December 8, 2014 S.D.G.
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