Llobet Miguel, "El Noi de la Mare"
Arrangement and Fingering: Renato Bellucci
El noi de la mare (Mama's child in Catalan) struck me deeply the first time I heard it in 1986. I was attending Segovia masterclasses at USC (Los Angeles) and the song was the opening music of the Segovia films we watched between masterclasses. Many of the guitarists present had never heard the piece until then and I know that many sought the music in order to learn and play it.
The tuning in D makes the whole instrument vibrate generously and Llobet's deep understanding of the guitar is the vehicle that makes the music flow smoothly on the guitar.
Llobet is not fully appreciated as the colossal figure in the guitar world as he should be. Many, including Andres Segovia nourished from his enormous well of knowledge of the guitar. Born in Barcelona (Barcelona is the capital of the Spanish region Catalunia where 2 languages have official status "Spanish and Catalan")
El Noi de la mare is one of a series of gorgeous catalan songs and perhaps one of his best works. Llobet toured quite extensively and is often referred to as Segovia's teacher.
Staff and Video 1
Alternative fingering
The piece presents a wonderful melody that is laid over a constant bass ( also know as Pedal from the Baroque period, because repeated notes were usually performed using the pedals of the organ). Breathe when you are about to make the change of position in order to release tension and sound more relaxed.
You can use the base of finger 1 to stop the C# in measure 2. This will minimize strain to the left hand.
Video 1
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