Michael Bolton/Menken, "Go the Distance"
Transcription and Fingering: Renato Bellucci
Menken's "Go the distance" is a wonderful piece I first heard when I lived in Uruguay. I loved the way singer Michael Bolton pushed his deep voice through the amazing high passages of the work when he premiered the work for the Disney production "Hercules".. The piece would soon become one of my son's favorite songs and today I decided to transcribe it for classical guiar and make it available to all my online students worldwide. The technique you will work thoroughly in Go the Distance is "To get your elbow by the side of your body". When we contact the elbow with the side of your body we are elongating out finger 4 and make its work easier when it comes to stopping the bass notes on string 6. Mainly, the Bass G in Go the Distance.
Renato Bellucci plays "Go the Distance"
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