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Diana Ross Do You Know Where Youre Going To

Diana Ross, "Do You Know Where You're Going To?"

Transcription and Fingering: Renato Bellucci

Diana Ross is in my opinion one of the less appreciated artists of the 1970s. She coincided with a generation dominated by men and it was not until the mid 80s that "big voice" singers like Whitney Houston were appreciated to their fullest. Therefore, one has the impression that Diana Ross has not really left a dent in contemporary music history. I do not agree and there are a few songs like "Endless Love" and "Do You Know..." that I really think show the amazing talent of this Detroit talent. 

The piece is easy going and the guitar renders it beautifully. Take the time to express each phrase fully and make sure to avoid all string squeaks that wold otherwise spoil the beautiful music. The precise of levers & pivots will help you make the transitions smoothly and avoid all string squeaks effortlessly.

"Do You Know...?", Oct-14-2014

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