Anonim, "Greensleeves"
Transcription and Fingering: Renato Bellucci
Greensleeves is one of the most played Classical Guitar Pieces. It is beautiful in its Medieval-Renaissance simplicity. The guitar is never demanded extreme melodic or harmonic jumps. The melody is full of that European sound that invites the listener to a "State of Presence of spirit". Greensleeves is also one of those pieces that have inspired many to work all types of variations. I have seen a tremolo attempt. I'll focus the arrangement on producing a beautiful round sound and using technical means like "Levers", Open Strings and changes in "Left Hand Presentations" so as to make the playing relaxed and help you master the use of these essential guitar techniques.
Technique Highlights: Lever
Changes in Presentation
Renato Bellucci plays: "Greensleeves"
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