Ennio Morricone, "La Califfa"
Heartbreaking Masterpiece
Once Again, Ennio Morricone brought tears to my eyes and the most amazing feelings down the deepest corners of my heart. Music has a way of overcoming any barrier that our “conscious mind” can erect and sneaks in our hearts allowing us to feel some “privileged” feelings. Ennio Morricone perfect set of strings and the so famous oboe carrying the main melody very much in the style of his Epic “Gabriel’s Oboe” from the Mission is a perfect formula that he can use over and over again without ever being repetitive. One thing is sure, Maestro Morricone always catches me off guard. I own having known the piece thanks to my student Sebastian Perez who invited me and my wife for dinner and before sitting at the table tells me “Renato, have you ever heard La Califfa by Morricone?… I had not and it has since become a piece I had to transcribe for our beautiful instrument. The 1970 movie stars Romy Schneider, Ugo Tognazzi and Massimo Farinelli.
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