Bee Gees, "How Deep is Your Love"
Arranged & Fingered by Renato Bellucci
Renato Bellucci teaches The Bee Gees' movie soundtrack "How deep is Your Love". When John Bradham 1977 blockbuster hit the scene few could believe that a movie "about dancing" would impact society and the culture so deeply. Such was the impact of John Travolta's amazing moves in the movie that I can still remember how I and a few other much more talented "dancing classmates" tried to emulate the steps of those amazing dancesTravolta pulled off in the movie. The story was also good...simple but one many could relate to especially one like me who had been an Italian immigrant for only a couple of years. The Bee Gees composed the main theme and a few other songs and started imposing themselves as one of the most influetial pop groups in my generation.
Renato Bellucci plays: "How Deep is your Love?"
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